sâmbătă, 12 februarie 2011

Parolele din iPhone pot fi furate în 6 minute - VIDEO

Institutul german Fraunhofer SIT a lansat astăzi o avertizare pentru toţi posesorii de iPhone, conform căreia în caz de furt, un hacker are nevoie de doar 6 minute pentru a afla toate parolele stocate în telefon, pornind de la cele pentru e-mail, pana la cele pentru servicii de online banking.

Cercetatorii recomandă utilizarea comenzii "remote wipe", care permite utilizatorilor să şteargă întreaga memorie a telefonului de la distanţă în caz de rătăcire sau furt pentru a minimiza riscul unor pierderi şi mai mari cauzate de furtul de identitate.

Experts at Germany's state-sponsored research institute Fraunhofer SIT said in a statement: ''Within six minutes the institute's staff were able to render void the iPhone's encryption and decipher the passwords stored on it. If the iPhone is used for business purposes then the company's network security may be at risk as well. Only companies prepared for such an attack will be able to reduce their risk.''
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The attack targets Apple's password management system, known as a ''keychain'', which scrambles all passwords and login information on the iPhone. It can compromise iPhones and iPads with the latest software version installed even if they have the software ''screen lock'' turned on.

Once an attacker has access to the phone, the first step is to install ''jailbreaking'' software, which a small number of iPhone owners do voluntarily so they can download apps unauthorised by Apple. From here, the attacker downloads a program on to the phone that is able to decrypt passwords held on it, most notably for Google Mail accounts and for private company networks.

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