sâmbătă, 24 septembrie 2011

Program de decodat telefoane prin IMEI

Va recomand un program cu care puteti debloca mai multe marci de telefoane prin IMEI: Nokia , Samsung, LG, Alcatel, Nec, Maxon, Sony, Panasonic, Siemens, Vitel...

Program de decodat telefoane prin IMEI - Crux Unlocker

Crux Unlocker este un program de decodat telefoane cu care va puteti decoda telefonul acasa si fara costuri. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa selectati modelul, seria telefonului si sa introduceti IMEI-ul pentru a pune mana pe codul de deblocare... Descarca (Download) - Crux Unlocker de aici >>>

Coduri pentru deblocare Nokia

Pentru fanii Nokia, cati au mai ramas, iata mai jos un program care ar putea sa va ajute sa va deblocati telefonul Nokia.
Cum sa deblocati un telefon Nokia codat?
E posibil ca unele coduri sa mearga doar pe anumite modele de telefoane Nokia, insa majoritatea vor merge pe orice model de telefon Nokia... cod restrictionare nokia.

*#06# - numar unic de identificare al unui telefon.

*#0000# - cod afisati versiunea si data softului (firmware), modelul telefonului si operatorul.

*#92702689# - aflati cate ore s-au vorbit in total cu acel telefon de cand a iesit din fabrica.

*#62209526# - Adresa MAC Wireless

*#2820# - Adresa MAC Bluetooth

*#7370# - Formatare telefon, se pierd toate setarile telefonului si toate datele din memoria telefonului

*#7780# - Formatare din fabrica, revenire la setarile initiale din fabrica.

*3370# - Se activeaza EFR-ul, emisie la rata intraga, fapt ce duce la un sunet foarte bun atat la emisie cat si la receptie.
Telefonul se va opri si va reporni cu functia activata. Functia va ramane in memoria telefonului pana la o viitoare tastare a acestui cod.
Cu acest cod imbunatatiti calitatea sunetului, insa bateria se va descarca mai repede.

#pw+1234567890+x# - in loc de “x” tastati 1, 2, 3 sau 4, cu urmatoarele semnificatii:
1 - Afli daca telefonul este blocat de la provider
2 - Network lock;
3 - Country lock;
4 - Simcard lock.

*#92702689# - Arata IMEI-ul, luna si anul cand a fost fabricat, data cand a fost cumparat, la modelele mai noi arata si life timer, timp cat a fost folosit, cat s-a vorbit la el…

*4720# - Reduce calitatea sunetului dar creste durata bateriei cu aproximativ 30 %

Coduri deblocare retea

#pw+(master code)+Y#

Cu ajutorul acestui cod puteti activa/dezactiva restrictionarea SIMULUI (SP-lock). Pentru a

obtine simbolul “p” utilizati tasta “*”.

Y trebuie sa fie 1,2,3 sau 4 in functie de blocarea pe care o doriti:

#pw+1234567890+1# for Provider-Lock status

#pw+1234567890+2# for Network-Lock status

#pw+1234567890+3# for Provider-Lock status

#pw+1234567890+4# for SimCard-Lock status

Master code” este un cod de 10 cifre bazat pe codul IMEI al telefonului, master code il puteti genera de exemplu aici:... http://nokiafree.org/free-nokia-unlock-codes

Program de decodat telefoane - WorldUnlock Codes Calculator

WorldUnlock Coduri Calculator este un program gratuit pentru deblocarea Nokia, Siemens, Vitel, Maxel, Panasonic, LG, AEG, Samsung, şi telefoane mobile Motorola ....

  • Include MasterCode calculator care poate reseta codul de securitate Nokia dacă l-aţi pierdut.

Ghid Uşor de deblocarea gratuit Nokia:
(Vă rugăm să citiţi ghidul de ansamblu înainte de a începe)

  1. Selectaţi modelul de telefon din listă.
  2. Introduceţi numărul IMEI a telefonului (Tastati * # 06 # pe telefon)
  3. Selectati ţară şi prestator de servicii în cazul în care telefonul a fost cumpărat.
  4. Apăsaţi pe butonul: Calculaţi!
  5. Software-ul Nokia va genera anumite coduri.
  6. Dacă 7 coduri sunt afişate, utilizează codul care se încheie cu 7 primul.
  7. Dacă nu funcţionează, apoi încercaţi o şi, în final 5.
  8. Atunci când telefonul afişează “restricţie Sim off” este deblocat.
  9. Dacă doar două coduri sunt afisate (1 şi 2) incearcale pe amandoua!

Codurile vor fi afişate pe forma: # pw + cod + n #
Pentru a obţine p, w sau +, apasa pe butonul * de mai multe ori.

Introdu în mod corect codurile si înlătura orice simcard de la telefon.

Iată câteva caracteristici cheie ale “WorldUnlock Codes Calculator“:

· Deblocare Nokia
· Deblocare LG
· Deblocare Panasonic
· Deblocare Maxon
· Deblocare Samsung
· Debloc AEG / Telital
· Deblocare Alcatel
· Deblocare Siemens
· Deblocare Sony

iPhone 5 Complete Review

iPhone 5
Name of the iPhone certainly is not foreign to us instead? Yes, Apple's smartphone output. Lately a lot of rumors about the launch of the latest version of the continuing success of the iPhone 4, which is likely to be named the iPhone 5. The news release is increasingly strong. An iPhone in Italy website even says that the iPhone 5 will be released beginning in the United States on 5 September 2011 later.
iphone five
A blog that discusses technology Boy Genius Report says that Apple will work with AT & T in the marketing of the iPhone 5 later. The blog also stated that Apple increased the number of employees at Apple Store to anticipate the demand for the iPhone 5.
iPhone 5 Pictures
Of the many rumors circulating say that the iPhone will use that as chips used in computers, so the iPhone 5 could work faster. But there are also rumors saying that the iPhone will use near field communication chip technology (NFC). Still according to rumors also Praise be to iPhone 5 will have with 8 Mpx camera. The size of the resolution is certainly bigger than the previous resolution on the iPhone 4.
the iphone 5
Meanwhile, according to the Times Chine, iPhone 5 will wear 4 inch screen bees. This makes the iPhone screen is wider than iPhone 4 that uses only 3.5 inch screen. There are also rumors saying that the iPhone 5 dual core processor Apple will use the A5. The processors that offer computing speeds up to nine times that of Apple's A4, the processor first buried in the iPad 2.
iphone 5 2011
According to this source-Digi times, the iPhone is not as good as rumored at this time. There will not be a complete overhaul in the latest generation iPhone five later. There was little improvement when compared with the iPhone 4. This is similar to the iPhone 3G is no significant change from its predecessor, the iPhone 3G. Let's wait what will be famous like Tablet Best Cheap Android Honeycomb, when, where and what exactly the iPhone 5.

iPhone 5 Official Picture

So guys we have another guess for the mega release that iPhone 5 will look like this.lets see now what apple releases on 15 October 2011.
iPhone 5
iphone 5 official pics

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Top 10 rumors about the iPhone 5

iPhone 5 design
Top 10 rumors about the iPhone 5
In the past, summer time meant that it was time for a new iPhone. That same year, Apple is not going to release the communicator in the summer, but only rumoured to be in the autumn. On the Internet there are many experts who vied with each other talk about the technical characteristics of the iPhone 5. But Apple will not confirm or deny the rumours. So today we publish the top 10 rumours about the iPhone 5. You will learn which ones come true, and what is not with a certain probability.

iphone 5 picture

1). News of the screen, the iPhone 5. I device iPhone screen 5 will be not less than 10.1 cm, 8.9 cm instead of the usual competitors in the face of Samsung Galaxy 11 cm screen, so to beat his new iPhone to be not less than 10 inches.

The probability that the rumor will come true - 80%.
2). The rumor of a powerful processor iPhone 5. Apple has already released a new iPad 2 Dual Core A5, so the new iPhone will also be equipped with the same, because the new mobile applications consume so many resources and require a powerful mobile hardware.
The probability that the rumor will come true - 100%.
3). Hearing about the camera iPhone 5. The iPhone is now set a 5-mega pixel camera. But competitors resolution of the camera more.HTC communicators have an 8-megapixel camera and Nokia, even 12-megapixel camera. That's why the new device from Apple will be equipped with a video camera at least 8 megapixels.
The probability that the rumor will come true - 80%.
4). Hearing on the button Home. Home button is loved by many people disappear and give way to her version of the touch, like a PDA HTC. This option gives developers more space for display, but like many fans.
The probability that the rumor will come true - 60%.
5). Hearing about the 3 D iPhone 5. Soon, LG and HTC have released their device with 3D. But whether the technology used at all? I think not.
The probability that the rumor will come true - 10%.
iPhone 5 photos
6). Hearing on the new design the iPhone 5. In the device will appear rounded edges of the case, as the iPad will be 2 or metal housing. And it may be a new antenna. Rather, design changes, but the antenna would need to be changed, and that these problems with the signal ...
The probability that the rumor will come true - 10%.
7). The rumor of the output HDMI. For a short time left to wait for the output HDMI, which enables high-quality video transfer from phone to TV. This possibility is already available for devices Nokia. Although this is only possible with an expensive adapter.
The probability that the rumor will come true - 80%.
8). Hearing about the amount of memory in the iPhone 5.
The amount of memory increasingly scarce need more. Memory is required for many iPhone applications for 5 and HD-movies. Fans have long asked Apple to increase its number on the device, at least 64 GB of RAM and at least 512 MB - 1 GB.
The probability that the rumor will come true - 50%.
new iphone 5
9). Hearing about the number of slots for SIM-cards.
Many people want to use two-chip device, why not the iPhone 5 become the same? But this would lead to loss of exclusive contracts with cellular providers. PPoetomu ...
The probability that the rumor will come true - 0%.
iphone 5
10). Hearing about the new NFC-chip.
In some smartphones, which are based on the Android operating system has encountered NFC-chips are designed specifically to pay for goods and services companies. Most likely, Apple will use this option, it's extra money.
The probability that the rumor will come true - 60%.
Summary: I want to say this, however, Apple has not turned out the new iPhone, you want him to have had no technical problems and the unit itself would be a step up in technological terms.
iphone 5 pics
Top 10 rumors about the iPhone 5....still more to come!