sâmbătă, 26 ianuarie 2013

Free Google Wi-Fi in New York

The Mountain View giant has installed Wi-Fi in a neighborhood south of New York. More than 100,000 residents will benefit free of Internet up to 10 Mbps.

In a burst of generosity, Google has offered Wi-Fi to residents of a neighborhood in New York. The network was launched on Tuesday during a press conference organized by the municipality of the city. In particular it covers the Chelsea neighborhood in Manhattan. This is also where we find the offices of Google.

"This area can now boast of being the first in Manhattan to have a Wi-Fi outside totally free", said Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of the city, hoping that New York will one day become "the global technology center."  In total, nearly 100,000 New Yorkers who benefit from Wi-Fi Internet free way for at least two years and at a rate between 5 and 10 Mbps.

A Stunt

In fact, Google is not the only finance the operation. He is the one who will hand over the pocket by paying $ 15,000 to build the infrastructure and $ 45,000 per year for maintenance, the rest will be paid by a local association to promote the development of the district. However, Google said it had no intention at the moment to extend the project to other areas.

This experiment is surely a promotional campaign for the group. Google has actually embark offers Internet access through fiber optics. The group is also currently being tested in Kansas City, where he already has a flow rate of 1 Gbps, which is 100 more than the other operators in the region. In this city, it has also offered free internet access with 5 Mbps rate. New York could be the second city network test Google.

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