Chromebooks are built and optimized for the web, so you get a faster, simpler and more secure experience without all the headaches of ordinary computers.
miercuri, 25 mai 2011
Introducing the Chromebook
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marți, 24 mai 2011
Google Chrome Ads with Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga builds one of the world's largest fan bases by using the web to talk directly and openly to her community.
This film celebrates Lady Gaga's special and unmediated relationship with her fans, the Little Monsters. The making of this film is a demonstration of the power of the web in its own right. The entire project, beginning with Lady Gaga's shoot in NYC on May 8th, to shipping materials to the television networks for air, took 10 days. Within hours of the release of her new single "Edge of Glory" on May 9th, fans began uploading videos on YouTube, making the song their own by dancing to it, singing it and playing it on all kinds of instruments. Lady Gaga then posted a message on her website asking for more videos to be used in the film project. Fans responded within minutes and uploaded hundreds more videos. Back in the editing room, in real time as fan videos streamed in, editors were putting them into the film. The film was completed on May 18th in time to air during Lady Gaga's performance on the season finale of Saturday Night Live, and to also live on the web.
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luni, 23 mai 2011
duminică, 22 mai 2011
Google Translate for Animals on Android
Introducing Google Translate for Animals, a new application that can help you communicate with your pet.
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sâmbătă, 21 mai 2011
vineri, 20 mai 2011
The Google Toilet: SuperNews!
Google has finally developed technology that can literally sift through your sh*t.
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joi, 19 mai 2011
The Smartphone Experiment - Product Testing Institute - Models
When three blondes are asked to find photos on an Xperia™ X10, iPhone4 and Galaxy Vibrant, it's clear which smartphone really is the smartest.
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Etichete: iPhone, Sony Ericsson
miercuri, 18 mai 2011
Vodafone si Ku Klux Klan au acelasi logo?
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Etichete: Vodafone
Planul de investiţii al Orange România pentru 2011
Planul de investiţii al Orange România pentru 2011 - 12 mai 2011, Bucureşti
Mădălina Suceveanu - CTO Orange România
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Orange HD Voice - Proiecţie la Arhitectură.
Premieră Orange România -- proiecţie 3D, cel mai mare conţinut video mapping 3D, Facultatea de Arhitectură Ion Mincu, 12 mai 2011, Bucureşt
Asa si-a lansat Orange noul serviciu de voce HD.
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Look Inside Pixar Studios
Melena Ryzik gets a rare behind-the-scenes look at the Pixar Studios complex in California.
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Etichete: promovare
marți, 17 mai 2011
Apple's Logo - The Symbolism
V-ati intrebat vreodata ce reprezinta simbolul Apple?
il vedeti pe Mac, iPhone, iPad....
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Etichete: Apple
luni, 16 mai 2011
duminică, 15 mai 2011
New Angry Birds Rio Episode Coming, Trailer Released [VIDEO]
As promised, Rovio is rolling out an episodic update to its Angry Birds Rio game. The Angry Birds Rio: Beach Volley update will be available by the end of the week.
According to BGR, Rovio says there will be a new episode of the Angry Birds Rio series released each month through November.
Viewing the new trailer above, this looks like loads of fun, but we’d rather see more levels where the object of the game is to set birds free, rather than to mangle those annoying little monkeys.
Commenters, do you like the Angry Birds Rio series better than the original? Either way, you can now play the original version of Angry Birds on a web browser.
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Angry Birds Movie Trailer
Pentru cei care au jucat Angry Birds si nu l-au lasat pana nu l-au terminat, iata mai jos si trailerul filmului Angry Birds. Asa e ca nu stiati ca exista si filmul Angry Birds?
Iata si clipul de prezentare al jocului (pe PS3)
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Etichete: promovare
sâmbătă, 14 mai 2011
Honda - The Cog [VIDEO]
This WebRidesTV video is a commercial made by Honda to showcase the Honda Accord. It is a two minute video that shows Honda Accord parts interacting with each other similar to a Rube Goldberg machine.
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Etichete: promovare
Samsung Galaxy S II in curand la Vodafone Romania

Oricum in momentul de fata, daca ar fi sa aleg intre un Samsung Galaxy S2 si un iPhone 4, clar as cumpara un Samsung Galaxy S2!
Slim, mai subtire decat iPhone 4, Samsung Galaxy S2 pare si mai usor ( e vorba de impresie, nu de ce citim prin caracteristici!)
Ecranul este putin mai mare decat la iPhone 4, asa cum este o diferenta si intre iPad si Galaxy Tab 2, care are o lungime mai mare! Un Super AMOLED display de 4.3 inch cu rezolutie de 1280×720, cu Gorilla Glass display, si o camera de 8MB care te lasa sa filmezi HD (ca si iPhone4) si sa faci poze calitate superioara. Pe fata are o camera de 2MP.
In plus, un Dual-core 1.2GHz Cortex si un RAM de 1GB, fac ca filmele in mkv sau asa cum am vizionat de 1080 sa se vada la fara probleme si la o calitate superioara! Sa nu uit - are MP4/DivX/XviD/WMV/H.264/H.263 player si MP3/WAV/eAAC+/AC3/FLAC player.
Ultima versiune de Gingerbread (Android OS, v2.3) te lasa sa descoperi un zoom in apropiind de tine telefonul tinut cu degete pe ecran sau sa faci un zoom out departand telefonul de tine!
Nu m-am jucat prea mult cu el, dar imediat cum o voi face, voi reveni! Vreau sa testez la camera Geo-tagging, touch focus, face and smile detection, image stabilization si va voi povesti!
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Emailul din Nigeria acum Facebook din Ghana
Va mai aduceti aminte de strigatul de disperare sau propunerile de afaceri venite din Nigeria pe email? Iata varianta pe Facebook din Ghana, adica tot din Africa with love:
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Etichete: criza
Golden iPhone and iPad Available In Qingdao
A shopkeeper shows golden accessories of Iphone and Ipad at a shopping mall on March 25, 2011 in Qingdao, China. (Photo by ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images)
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marți, 10 mai 2011
For $8.5 Billion Microsoft Acquires Skype
After rumors that first Facebook and then Microsoft were in talks to acquire Skype, the latter announced that it has acquired the VoIP giant for $8.5 billion in cash.
Skype will be integrated into Microsoft devices and systems such as Xbox and Kinect, Xbox Live, the Windows Phone, Lync and Outlook, Microsoft said in a statement. The company has pledged to continue supporting and developing Skype clients on non-Microsoft platforms as well.
The deal, which was spearheaded by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer with assistance from Charles Songhurst, the company’s head of corporate strategy, was completed Monday evening, AllThingsD reported earlier.
The acquisition is an expensive one for Microsoft. Not only is it the largest price Microsoft has paid for a company in decades, Skype is not yet profitable. Despite revenues totaling $860 million last year and operating profits of $264 million, the company lost $6.9 million overall, according to documents filed with the SEC. And the company carries $686 million in debt.
Much of the company’s appeal rests in its largest user base of 663 million, 145 million of which use Skype monthly (Update: Microsoft says Skype has 170 million regular users), and 8.8 million of which are paying customers.
There is one clear set of winners here: Skype’s investors. A group including Silver Lake, Index Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz and the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Investment Board purchased the company from eBay for $2.75 billion in September 2009.
In August, Skype filed for an IPO but put plans on hold after Tony Bates joined the company as CEO in October. Bates will take on the title of president of the Microsoft Skype Division and report directly to Ballmer.
Microsoft a achiziţionat serviciul de conferinţe video pe web al Skype Technologies pentru suma de 8,5 miliarde de dolari, incluzând datoriile, conform Bloomberg.
Achiziţionarea Skype, care înregistrează pierderi financiare, nu va avea un impact imediat în finanţele gigantului Microsoft, dar va însemna un pas important făcut de acesta pentru a concura cu Apple şi Google.
În timp ce piaţa telefoanelor mobile este în expansiune, iar importanţa computerelor personale se diminuează, ameninţând profiturile aduse de Windows şi Office, Microsoft a identificat nevoia de a deveni un jucător competitiv şi relevant în mediul on-line şi mobil.
Deşi compania Microsoft şi-a dublat cifra de afaceri în ultimii opt ani, acţiunile companiei s-au menţinut, în mare, la acelaşi nivel, iar investitorii sunt îngrijoraţi de capacitatea companiei de a se adapta şi a ţine pasul cu rivali ca Google, într-un domeniu IT mereu în schimbare.
Apple a introdus serviciul FaceTime, odată cu noua generaţie de iPhone şi MacBook, un serviciu de apel video care a fost foarte apreciat în rândul clienţilor. Google a urmat exemplul, oferind serviciu video pentru aplicaţia Google Talk, disponibilă pe telefoanele cu sistem de operare Android.
Singura opţiune de apel video oferită de Microsoft în prezent este Windows Live Messenger, care nu are corespondent, însă, în varianta pentru mobil.
Skype are o aplicaţie proprie care este disponibilă pentru mai multe platforme, iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, dar nu poate fi folosită cu telefoanele care rulează un sistem de operare de la Microsoft.
Atât Facebook, cât şi Google şi-au manifestat interesul pentru achiziţionarea Skype, dar ofertele între trei şi patru miliarde de dolari nu se ridică la suma oferită de Microsoft.
Afacerea de peste opt miliarde de dolari ar fi cea mai mare tranzacţie din istoria de 36 de ani a companiei Microsoft.
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luni, 9 mai 2011
See Inside Buildings With Google Maps [VIDEO]
Marissa Mayer, Google’s vice president of consumer products, made the announcement Thursday at the Social-Loco conference in San Francisco.
During a demo on stage, Mayer and a co-worker showed off the ability to “enter” local businesses and see the inside of a building. Businesses can provide photos to Google, which can then be compiled into a 360-degree view of a building’s interior.
These features have been making the rounds in the rumor mill for more than a year. Back in February 2010, we heard that Google would be adding Street View-like features for retail interiors as part of Google Maps.
Business Photos could prove to be a useful tool for restaurants, bars and establishments that depend on local patronage. Many people like to check out the places they eat and drink on the web. Soon, Google users will be able to see inside these places directly from Google Maps.
Mayer says that Google Business Photos will be released in the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Canada and several other countries next week, with more countries getting the feature in the following month.
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Google Celebrates Today Beloved Children’s Book Author With Ever-Changing Doodle
Roger Hargreaves — of the Mr. Men children’s book fame — would have turned 76 Monday, and to celebrate, Google has released tons of Doodles featuring the author’s characters.
From Little Miss Chatterbox to Little Miss Bossy (who I always felt a particular kinship with), Hargreaves’s simple, colorful figures were a presence in many a childhood.
The first book, Mr. Tickle, was published in 1971 — it was inspired by the author’s son, who asked what a tickle looked like, according to Time. Hargreaves died at age 53 in 1988, but his son kept the books going.
And soon, the series will even manifest itself as an animated feature, thanks to 20th Century Fox.
Head to Google today and click around — each page will bring up a new character. Which was your favorite as a kid?
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