Here are 10 Facebook SEO tips to improve the visibility of your Facebook business Page.
These Facebook SEO tips will
help your Facebook page to be found for the desired search terms, both
on Facebook’s internal searches as well as on search engines such as
Google, Yahoo or Bing.
1. Create a Keyword Rich Custom URL
default URL of your Facebok page resembles
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kronik-Media/141444245432. However once
your page has received 25 “Likes” on Facebook, you have the option to
choose a custom URL for your page e.g. facebook.com/your-company-name.
Include keyword in your URL for best SEO performance.
2. Use Keyword in Page Name
company or page name is one of the first fields to choose when you
sign-up for your Facebook page. The page name is separate to the URL.
Like custom URL, the page name offers an opportunity for SEO. The page
name is also used in the SEO Meta Title and Meta Description tags as
well as
heading on the page. As such, using keyword in the page name is important for SEO.
3. Be Consistent With Optimisation
you choose to optimise your Facebook page for your company name or your
search term, it is important to be consistent with your approach. There
is not much point in optimising your custom URL for your keyword e.g.
“web-design-company-london” and optimising your page name and other
content for your company name.
4. Pay Special Attention to the “About” Section
“About” section as it is one of the most important sections of your
Facebook Page. It is also displayed on your main Facebook home page. Use
primary keywords in your about description for best SEO results. It is
equally important to write with your readers in mind and ensure it is
appealing to read. Your “About description” is also added to the SEO
Meta description of the page which is important for SEO.
5. Optimise Other Page Info for Keywords
information section of Facebook page includes a number of areas such as
in addition to “About” e.g Overview, Description, and more. Try to
complete all fields and use keywords to improve SEO.
6. Cross Promote Other Online Profiles & Resources on Your Page
is common for businesses today to use multiple social networks and
other online resources such as blog. For best results, use your Facebook
page to cross promote your company’s website, blog and other key social
profiles. You can also include links to review websites where your
business has an active profile.you can do this within the ‘website’
section of the info tab. Think about adding in as many links as you can,
to sub-sections such as products, contact info, offers etc.
7. Promote Facebook on Website and Other Social Profiles
only should you promote your website and social profiles on your
Facebook Page, you should also promote your Facebook Page on your
website, blog, email signature and your other social profiles. This will
drive new visitors to your Facebook Page and improve your visibility on
search engines. See image below of Facebook integration on website.
8. Optimise Images
are likely to constitute a significant percentage of the content you
share on your Facebook page. Follow standard SEO techniques when posting
images to your Facebook page e.g. use keywords in the image name,
captions or description. You can even add additional keyword optimised
information in comments. You can also add links in photo descriptions
where relevant.
9. Optimise Content Updates with Keywords
you are posting content to your wall, you can benefit from using
keywords in your copy. This will help you to be found for the desired
search terms, both on Facebook’s internal searches as well as on search
engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing.
10. Optimise Links
posting links, include keywords in your headline and description of the
link. Although Facebook will populate the link title and description
automatically, you have the option to edit it before publishing.
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